Triggering cue loops

I am currently a Serato user and by engaging ‘shift’ and ‘hot cue’, you get access to ‘cue loops’ which are then triggered by your existing hot cues. I use this feature a lot and have not been able to figure out how to reproduce this in the SC5000 without having to have preset loops which I can then trigger. Being able to trigger cue loops on the fly (on existing hot cues) seems basic so perhaps I am missing something. Please advise asap. PS I know I can do this using Serato in HID mode but I am trying to move away from using a laptop entirely…

I’m really sorry no one answered, so I’ll do this. I’m also new, but on the prime 4 plus I can save loops like hot cues that can be triggered on and off under the loops section. Then the hot cues pads turn into loop cues.

Bear in mind that answering 5yr old questions, it’s highly likely the person was using a very early build of Engine OS and the feature they are asking for wasn’t included.

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To add to this. We’re closing necrobumped topics if we come across them, so closing this one as I type. :relieved: