Is it possible to get the autoloops playing without any music coming out of the Denon Prime4?
I have the control one hooked up to the denon prime 4
I have Dj tracks auto scripted and play off the Prime4. But when I switch to my beat machine the music plays off the beat machine and not the Prime4. So the lights don’t do anything while the beat machine is playing. I hit “autoloop overide” hoping that the autoloops would work but nothing…
Only with a work around: Play a track, make a beatloop, turn level/gain all the way down and open the fader. And if your beat machine supports Ableton Link you can keep the beats in sync with the lights.
Was just leaving statics on those tracks for now, what you say will work… if the lighting didn’t crash on the show… Half way through the pre-scripted tracks stopped working. I moved the faders up and down and even restarted a track. I had to use a static. Very upsetting.