Transfer streaming cue points from rekordbox to engine

As of now there is no way to transfer streaming track beatgrids and cue points between rekordbox and engine DJ. As more djs rely on streaming for their sets this is going to be something that should happen at some point. I can see this becoming a reality very soon the question is, when? I know there’s going to be some tool saying “you shouldn’t rely on streaming for your sets” but this is for the people who see this coming and want it. If you disagree keep it to yourself. If we can transfer track info we own on rekordbox to engine why not the meta data for streaming tracks. Maybe this is a question for the streaming service, does anyone know the ins and outs of how this info can be transferred between the two softwares?

If you look at the previous Firmware releases, its clear that InMusic have gone down the route of the crowd sharing approach to metadata on Streaming tracks, so once someone has played them they are stored on a database for everyone else to access.

The answer to your question likely lies in how streaming track metadata is stored by Rekordbox, if it isn’t on the standard library DB then it wont be accessible.

Also bear in mind Alphatheta seem to be heading down a route of trying to lock down their software so none of the data can be tapped into, you can either prepare yourself for this eventuality or get caught out, your choice.

I guess at that point the choice would be clear. Switch to rekordbox or hope that Denon players start showing up at every club and venue around the world.

Why from Rekordbox? It’s not a Denon product, and it’s not the pinnacle that all others shall follow.

Prime products have a good choice of onboard streaming, and ability to adjust grids & add cues on the hardware.

How many streaming services are available on Pioneer? How many of their range even have streaming onboard? The limited products that do, can the grids be adjusted on the standalone hardware?

Forget importing from other software. What’s needed is for the Engine DJ desktop software to integrate the streaming services.

That is certainly your choice to make, yes.

Right! Yeah only Beatport but you can adjust grids and set cue points and it automatically transfers to the desktop through the cloud on the 3000s. But you have to pay for the cloud subscription to get this feature.

Thinking about it, if you create a Beatport playlist in Rekordbox, then export it to a flash drive, presumably the player can access that data and use it to stream Beatport tracks (if has Beatport embedded)?

If that’s true, the Beatport data is in the exported database, which Prime kit can read, so in theory we should be able to access it too. It just needs to be part of what’s read on import by the Prime players.

Yep :+1: exactly!

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