Tidal on Prime 4+ does not work properly

I have a X1850, 2 SC6000, 2 LC6000, 1 Prime 4+ and 1 Numark Mixtream Pro, All the equipments have the 3.4.0 software version, on the SC6000 everything works fine but I can’t say the same thing about the Prime 4+ and the Mixtream. When using Tidal, both devices does the download very quickly, however the track only appears on the the display sometimes more than 1 minute after the download it´s done. This is not acceptable, if I’m playing tracks with 2/3 minutes, the panic is installed when this happens. How can I solve this issue? Downgrade the software to a previous version will solve this?

Try without USB

Then try with an empty USB

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Sorry but I did not understand. If I do that without any USB plugged in, the data from the track will not be saved.

I know I have run into similar issues

Wondering if its database write that is causing the delay.

That’s why I suggested same

Have you tried to play 1-2 songs from your local storage before switching to Tidal? Not remote library, That helped me with this issue on my SC5000

Without the USB plugged in the issue it’s solved!

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Yes, several times, that issue always happens when I switch from the local storage to Tidal or when I access directly to Tidal. Without the USB plugged in the issue is solved, now I’m going to delete all the library to clean the local storage and see if the problem it’s solved.