Test App Launcher documentation?

Have the test apps been released to the public at all? It would be useful to have the instructions for loading the test apps off of USB, and the button combinations for the different devices to get to the test app launcher.

This would let us test what part of our devices aren’t working properly.

i have never seen any test apps here. Do you have some insights, or is it just a wish?

I mean i would like to have an onboard Service function, like pioneer has. Makes checking every button easy

Unfortunately the test settings are for service engineers only and the button combinations are released to the personal that are carrying out the work.

There’s no codes available to us mere mortals but even if we did there would be menu options that could break our hardware should someone inexperienced poke about.

Up to 4.0.1, there was a built in service function that actually did this.

how did you access it?

I am not going to give more information on how to access it, as someone gave instructions on the forum once, and a moderator didn’t like it.

I currently only know the button combination on the JP21, although the test app can be manually ran if you have console access over SSH or UART.

This is the one. I believe it’s access has been changed now.

I think a mod did the right thing in the past. Test apps are meant for qualified personnel and not for the general public. I’m glad most functions have been removed.

And as I go through the topics and comments of the OP in the past, the only common ground is ‘hacking the system’.

I’ll leave this topic open, but the answer to the first question of this topic are found next to each other in the alphabet.


Hi everyone, The test apps will not be made available to to end users for the reasons that Reese and others have already detailed above.

The only thing that would really be useful for end users, IMO would be the MIDI test. If you’re troubleshooting a bunk button or a scratchy pot, it’s basically just as easy to put the computer in controller mode and hook it up to a MIDI sniffer and just look at the data itself.


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