Syncing Music

Hello i am new to the while Denon world. I have a pair of SC6000s and the X1800. I have installed, formated and uploarded music to the SATA drive in on one of my players. However i cannot view the playlist or music on the other player. I have both connected via ethernet cables to the mixer.

Help please.

Did you prepare playlists engine on the desktop/Mac and then used the sync option? Or did you just copied the music to the drive in your players? You have to use sync in order to see any playlists.

I prepared all my playlist in engine on my pc. Then exported /sync them to player A (has the hard drive).

I tried contacting both players to together it has the option (player B w/o drive) to connect to A but i get nothing

The same happens when connected to mixer.

I have also running the most current version ( updated early October as thats when i got received them.

What type of Ethernet cable? Are they in good condition and are they Cat 5 cables?

Did you buy the gear new or used?

The cables look to be in great condition. I can test them when i get home. Yes i bought it used.