Sync from Prime4+ back to laptop failure

Hi, totally new but really hope someone can help because i got my first gig coming up. When i make changes to my playlists (hotcues etc) and i try to sync them back to EngineDJ on my laptop (hp) using sync manager it does not work anymore. As soon as i put the USB in the laptop it starts overwriting whats in EngineDJ to my USB again, making al the changes i made on the prime4+ go lost. I have update both my prime4 + and engineDJ to 4.0. but the problem keeps occuring. Long story short, i cant sync my changes made on the prime4+ back to enginedj

Maybe this can help?


I’m being really pedantic here.

and totally not helpful, thanks anyway

Are you saying this is automatically happening when you plug the USB stick into the laptop?

Perhaps share a video of it as that is not expected behaviour at all.

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With items you deleted from playlists it actually is…

Try this:

  • In Engine DJ, make a playlist.
  • Sync that playlist to a stick.
  • Go to Engine OS, insert the stick, and delete a track from said playlists.
  • Eject the stick, insert it in your laptop again with Engine DJ running.
  • Eject the stick and go to Engine OS: you will notice that the deleted track reappears in the playlist, as Engine DJ just made the union of the 2 playlists (one on laptop, one on USB stick).

Made a bug report about this few years back, InMusic responded this was expected.

For the rest, none should indeed happen without actively pressing sync….

The OP clearly says ‘hotcues etc’ in their original post though :person_shrugging:

According to their profile they joined 3 days ago, posted 3 days ago and have spent 3m browsing the forum. It’s not really the best way of getting help with an issue is it?

You could be right in that the issue is track deletion not being recognised but who actually knows?

STU, Some people don’t have the time to check a forum everyday. Maybe the guy sorted it out, maybe not. Maybe it’s user error, maybe not. But keep believing most people mean well, despite not really coming out of their words :wink:

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I don’t doubt that they mean well, but it’s just a common courtesy to reply either way isn’t it. As someone who works in system support and has ownership of a group email account (for reporting issues) it’s the single most frustrating part of the job, people raising an issue then not bothering to reply to confirm if it’s sorted or not.

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Having another read of the first post, I wonder whether this “USB” is being swapped between desktop (used as the main library) and Prime 4+ rather than being just a destination drive.

I’d imagine that in order to sync correctly, you’d need both a source and a destination, not just one “USB”.