Sweep FX on Prime4+

I really love the new look and feel of the 4+, but is there anybody else having trouble seeing what Sweep FX is active on 4+?

if the Sweep FX buttons are RGB-LED, it would be better if it turned to green or White. And if it’s only Blue-LED, I rather switch it off and only light up the active one.



it has been reported by several people so they are aware of it.


Oh, great. Hopefully that’ll be fixed. :slight_smile:


If people did not complain about the mk1 Prime 4 being “too bright” maybe we would not have problems with visibility on the new generation…just sayin😬


This so much, the amount of abuse they got for the colour scheme was ridiculous… dont forget ‘looks like a kids toy’ too… As a Prime 2 owner i always laugh about that.

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Yeah. I liked the 5000 design of Prime4. But I think they did an amazing job with the new prime 4+. It’s a perfect centerpiece of any DJ booth and goes great with 2x LC6000 or 2x CDJ-3000. I wish you could adjust the height of the feet to match them perfectly.

Never a truer word spoken. People are quick to ignore other peoples needs, or that maybe not everyone DJs in the same light levels as they themselves do, or with or without a plain white bedroom ceiling above them instead of dozens of swirly lights and instead of asking for a dimmer switch or an adjustment, suddenly the switch/button/led/display/power on light was “burning a hole in their eyes” or “not visible unless… (I set my gear up properly)

Some people need to adopt a wider range of tolerance.


Hahaha I remember the calls of ‘physical pain to my eyes’ about green LEDs :rofl::rofl:

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MCX8000 vibes all over again.

You couldn’t tell if the channel cue buttons were on or off at a quick glance. I think it was 100% full and 80% in an off state. The difference with that model is that it couldn’t be dimmable but this one could get the firmware fix it looks like it needs.


ciao si e prorprio vero non si riesce a distingure se le’ffetto e inserito oppure no io proporei di far cambiare colore quando e inserito le’ffetto non so da blu quando non e inserito da verde quando e inserito bianco rosso non so ma basta che si capisca quando e inserito .

sì, ma il design 4+ è così carino perché ha solo 3 colori. Blu, verde e bianco. Quindi sarebbe carino se solo l’effetto utilizzato si illuminasse di blu.

The best thing would be for them to change color when they are active. Other buttons that are not clearly visible when active are those for the microphones. Has anyone had the central jogwheel screen turned off? It has happened to me 2 times. They turn on again after resetting the device

Yes, I would love this, and with the headphone cue toggles as well. :+1:

You can not see witch of the Sweep Effects are turned on or off. the difference between lit an unlit has to be greater

this would have been a useful update in 3.3 :frowning: ! Just light the active Effect and the others must be turned off.