Still Missing - "REMOVE FROM PLAYLIST" option in Engine DJ Desktop

The option to REMOVE FROM PLAYLIST, as described on page 20 of the user guide does not exist. There is no option to remove a track from a playlist.

The closest option is to “REMOVE FROM COLLECTION” which deletes the track from your library and from any other playlist it was a part of.

Please fix this as it’s critical to editing playlists. Thanks :+1:

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Ive just checked on mine, it’s showing. Have you done some spot checks of other tracks to see if it’s not just tied to that particular file?

Is this on your local collection or whilst accessing a drive?

Edit: ive noticed that when using a Smart Playlist, the option to remove isnt there, possibly linked?

Edit 2: It says ‘remove from drive’ as one of your options so I assume you’re trying to remove it from a connected drive? I think the only way to do this would be remove it from your collection playlist then re-sync.


What’s up @STU-C,

Thanks for checking this. Your post is made me think and I looked into this a bit more. The option shows when editing from the ENGINE LIBRARY column, but not in the DRIVES column.

I’ll close this one as solved.

Thanks for you help! :+1:


No probs, happy to help.

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