Stems update?

Hahaha, only this time I hadn’t actually even read your comment when I posted it :rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I wouldn’t blame you if that had been the case.

If we can’t troll each other nicely between prime 2 users, there aren’t many of us on this forum

And then today is the day of the advent of the Holy Stem, so trolling is accepted :rofl: :rofl:


My Prime 2 now cost me £1209.99 and the additional feature list must be hitting something like 30 new additions now :wink:

If I buy the stems update that is:) will see how it pans out.


I’m buying it for my SC 4 live, so will update once I’ve given it a go. Saying that, I’m rubbish DJ, so it’ll probably sound mint to me, even if I’m making trash mash ups :rofl:

Well looks like the Denon gods have answered this one :point_up: for us lol :joy:

Well lets see how this pans out?

Ready for the tooic, “Stems are nit working on my……… “ lol :joy:

Oh, and in true “InMusic style” your gonna pay for it lol :joy:

Only have to pay for it if you don’t own a Prime 4+. The paid feature unlocks STEMS on 4 Prime devices/Engine OS (including the Numark Mixstream Pros) for a one time fee. So yea IMHO I like this “InMusic style” over other companies.

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Indeed, in true fashion :•)

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