Stems rendering on external drive

Hello, is there any way to render stems which are not on the internal pc-drive? My collection is on an external ssd with all libraries I need (Lexicon, Serato, Rekordbox, Engine) because there is not enough space on internal pc-drive. Further I want to be independent from the pc I use to edit the collection.

Draging a track into Stems which is on internal pc-drive works fine.

All tracks on external drive don’t work.

Prime 4 in Computer Mode doesn’t work.

Please let the engine software recognize that (an external drive/usb stick/sd card or) a prime 4 with a collection on it is connected and render the stems onto that drive without having to use the export mode. The way to use a pc/mac for rendering is completly ok and understandable, but the limitation to this one constellation is unfortunately not that great.

Or is there any workaround from one of the members here to get some stems on an external drive?

My collection is completely on the “external” SC6000 internal SSD drive (nothing on the pc; nothing to export). Stems rendering works fine using computer mode.


Ok, good to hear that. I will try another laptop with the prime 4.

It doesn’t work on my system. :face_vomiting:

Can’t find the mistake…

Do you even see the drive in Explorer or Engine Desktop?

yes, both :+1: :+1:

I’m not at home right now to test with you, but where’s your master collection located? I presume on the internal drive op the Prime4?

When you right-click on a track, do you see “create stems”?

In settings, do you see stems active under library?

Might be basic questions but I’m just checking your environment for the basic stuff.

master collection on ssd, created with lexicon

– p4 collection on second ssd in p4-slot

— master collection > copy > p4 collection (in Computer Mode)

Master collection: create stems:yes, i see. clicking it… nothing happens, draging into stems folder… nothing happens

Settings: stems activated, downloaded 3 or 4 times since release

No master collection connected to pc, drag a testfile from pc-drive into collection: stems runs fine

All apps, progs are on latest version

Is Lexicon really of the latest version? Might be better to check @Christiaan’s Discord as well. He had stated a known issue regarding the Engine database, which required an update on his end. See this post and below that post.

Keep in mind:

Lexicon: V 1.7.10

Engine: V 4.2.1

Done a full sync. Same problem, stems is not working with external ssd.

2 different Laptops with Engine 4.2.1 connected to my P4. Unfortunately, nothing happens here either.



some of the older tracks in my collection work. i tried the new tracks the past days and they didn’t work.

good to know, that it’s working. now i have to find out why some tracks are rendering and some don’t.

Did I mention “reimport track info” already to you? Also some bitrate or sampling frequencies are not supported. That could be it as well.