Static Looks Intensity controlled independently

Hello DJs & LJs,

i hope someone can help a Soundswitch newcommer. In the near future I have to do a little light show with my DJ Equipment on a theater stage. The theater stage already has some DMX dimmer packs (without controllers) to control the main stage spotlights. I would like to connect the theater’s dimmer packs and my DJ lights via DMX and control them with Soundswitch.

Now to my problem. The stage spotlights should shine continuously throughout the entire show. However, if there are 5 partial performances and during the break, these should be completely off.

I would try “Static Looks”. Unfortunately, the lights are dimmed together with the fader.

Does anyone have another idea?

thank you very much in advance Sören Sorry für my bad English

You could try the groups feature

Soundswitch allows up to 4 groups

So you could try putting lights you would like to fade together in the same group

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