The play/cue buttons on my mc700 need to be replaced but I can’t find them to sell. Denon support provided a link to global representatives, however everyone contacted (South America, North America, Canada, Australia and others) gave the same response, the product has been discontinued and there are no parts (not even in the future) . Could someone help me find a store that sells these pieces? Has anyone ever done it on a 3D printer? I appreciate any help.
Hi Mateus, because it’s a problem with the design of the whole cue/play button assembly, you can simply use an epoxy glue and fix + reinforce that weak point.
But, if you want to buy a new one try this link: Play Pause / Cue / Sync Button Set - Denon MCX8000 - 100-7K-3208
Did you check with these guys
Ahah, it’s all you must know about MC7000. You will need a 3d printer, and programming skill, of you want to be fine:man_facepalming:t2: