Soundcloud search by EOS does not return all available results

I noticed that searching for tracks and artists with Engine OS on Soundcloud returns a result of few tracks or sometimes no tracks even though in reality there are many results on Soundcloud that could be valid.

My test was done with Engine OS 3.4.0 on Prime 4 console, I searched for the name of an artist both with Prime 4, then on the computer with Virtual DJ (connected to the Soundcloud account) and lastly on the Soundcloud web site.

As you can see from the following images the results obtained from Engine OS are almost nil, while on VDJ and the Soundcloud website the results are remarkable.

For example, I searched for “Peter Gabriel”, these were the results obtained:

Search result on EOS - Prime 4:

Search result on VDJ:

Search result on Soundcloud web site:

I would like to know if this search flaw also happens to you if you use Soundcloud. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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I have the same issue with Soundcloud not properly searching on my Prime 4, you can find more under playlists and artist, still a huge hassle to find new track. Anyone know if there is a fix for this yet?

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Unfortunately there is no solution. If we are many users who have this problem and we write here in this thread, probably the software developers will understand that the problem is widespread and will solve it.

But if we are only a few users, then no one will do anything. :scream: :cry:

Furthermore, now that Tidal has increased the cost of its subscription for DJ use, only Soundcloud remains which offers a vast selection of tracks from various genres at an acceptable price.

Do the lazy match options on the prime hardware have any effect on what tracks are shown in a tidal search eg: only songs in a compatible key for the song already playing?

I’d welcome a profanity filter , so if there is some filtering going on with tidal , perhaps a “clean/smut” filter is possible

The MATCH function has no effect on streaming tracks, it only works with local tracks. Furthermore, the search function on Soundcloud also has no possibility of filtering the results.

This is still an issue on my prime 4. It only ever worked when i newly recieved my unit around January 2023. Would hate to revert firmware back and lose new features just to get my search ability back.

It must have been a coincidence. The bug has always been there, there is a bug report from 2020, this one here:

I stopped my Soundcloud subscription as it was unusable on Engine OS: many tracks are invisible, the results obtained are only for non-Go+ tracks, even non-GO+ tracks are not always visible. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

It seems that when I log off from the DenonDJ profile and instead link the device directly to SoundCloud I get all the results.

So there is something wrong with the profile authentication with SoundCloud that needs to be fixed.

This is an interesting discovery. I will try it too. :+1:

I have had this same issue the past week. The solution was to log out of my profile and connect to SoundCloud without using a profile (there’s an option at the bottom instead of scanning the QR code). Hope they fix this!

@Joe_Hayes @Petr_Nejedly I also tried to log out of the profile and log in to Soundcloud without using a Denon profile. Unfortunately I didn’t succeed, because a window appears with the QR code and underneath a code in capital letters, which must be entered on the website “”, after doing that I get the login through my Denon DJ profile. What procedure did you do?

For me it worked , no problems ! Engine DJ Profiles Walkthrough | Engine DJ

This window appears for me:

So I have to go to the ENGINEDJ website to log in. Previously, a link to the Soundcloud website appeared where I had to enter the code to activate the streaming connection.

Do you get that window too?

You need to first log out of your engine DJ profile in settings.

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Ok I’ll try again this evening. :+1:

@Joe_Hayes @JMM-Nimes-France @Petr_Nejedly Can you make a test on Soundcloud? Can you see with Engine OS and play ALL the tracks that are in this playlist?

First check the tracks with the Soundcloud website and then see on the console display if you see the same number of tracks, then try to play them.

Yes - it fixed the problem and I can now see ALL SoundCloud tracks when I log out of engineDJ profile and manually connect through the SoundCloud website.

Can you see and play all the tracks that are in my test playlist? The one I sent with the link in the previous post?

Yes, I see and can play all 18 tracks. You need to follow our instructions closely - log out of your profile, then connect to Souncloud the old fashioned way.

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@Joe_Hayes @JMM-Nimes-France @Petr_Nejedly

Thank you very much for your advice: now it works. In order to get the code to use on the Soundcloud site, in the window that suggested logging in to I had to click on the small writing at the bottom left. At that point another window appeared with another code and the reference to the Soundcloud website. I then did all the tests and now everything is visible.

Great discovery this one, congratulations to everyone.