Doing some library maintenance and trying to select all missing tracks to delete from my library on engine DJ on my windows pc. I’ve deleted a bunch of songs, but now they show up in red in areas all over my browser and I can’t seem to sort them or filter them to the top or bottom… Is there a way I’m missing?
What’s up @some_po,
I have some missing tracks as well. For my library, the column that provided the most relevant info is DIRECTORY (shows Drive/Subfolder/filename). Unfortunately, this column has no sort option. Having a sort option for the Directory column would be most helpful in narrowing down the location (i.e. folder/subfolder) for the missing files. I didn’t check if a Feature Request has been submitted for this. If not, it should be.
No and it’s infuriating. If I delete songs I don’t play any more I then have to scroll down the entire collection to find the red ones.
This is a very basic thing that should have a column “exists” that can be sorted to group the missing files together.
Check if a feature request exists. If not, I recommend submitting it. The great thing about the Engine DJ Team is that they’re constantly updating the software and firmware, and this sounds like a simple request to fulfill.
UPDATE: I’ve just submitted one. Please vote for it.
The information if the corresponding file exists or is missing is determined at runtime just before displaying a database (track) entry. Sorting and filtering would only be possible if Engine DJ would track and store the status of associated files persistently in the database.
A “Find missing files” batch job that could be executed on selected tracks to create a playlist with all tracks for which the corresponding audio file is missing would be very convenient.
There are so many topics about this. Yes it’s not possible.
IMHO this is one of the biggest feature requests towards Denon!
All of the missing files are already highlighted in red… should be a pretty easy job as the software is already aware of the missing files…
All of the missing files are already highlighted in red…
Probably not all files. Only those that are visible to you. I didn’t check if and how long this information is cached during a session.
Each file path has to be checked, one after another. That requires file (system) I/O and is not a cheap operation. Infeasible for libraries with more than a few hundred tracks.
A “check consistency” command is equally easy to implement. I have a python script that does this in about 10 lines of code…