Smartlist disappears after moving parent folder

When you create one or more smartlists within a folder and you move this parent folder than all the smartlists within this folder disappears.

Since i had put a lot of time and effort to create my smartlists I was wondering if they had really disappeared.

This was not the case because in the database m.db under music folder (windows 10) they were still visible in Smartlist database table.

I’ve find out that when you move the parent folder of the smartlist(s), the path in the field nextPlaylistPath of the Smartlist database table is not being updated and still points to the old location in the folder tree. That’s why the smartlist disappears.

To make the smartlist(s) visibible again you have to drag the parent folder back to the original location in the folder tree or fix the path in nextPlaylistPath of the Smartlist database table by making it point to the new location.

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