Serato in Engine 4+ have poor sound quality

When Prime4+ in controller mode Serato sound slugish and with sligth flange effect. Any sugestions or solutions to this? I minimized and lossen all the setting that might be pushing the processing with no luck.

Maybe a bug with updates

Make sure u r on the latest version of Serato.

I went to the website, updated Serato pro but didn’t help. I did noticed that the issue was with the Key Lock. I did some research and after adding the Serato expansions the problem got resolved. It seems that Serato Pro processing does not have good sound quality and requires the additional expansions. I tried Serato several times thru the years and I was never 100% conviced with it. You could say that at this moment I am newbie in Serato. I still think that there is work to be done but it is working fine now. Thanks to your replies!

Yeah the keylock can sound bad on some tracks.

Turn it off and it works really nice but we’re so accustomed to using keylock it’s hard to go back.

I find Claptone ’No Eyes’ or ‘Liquid Spirit’ Claptone remix can introduce these types of artefacts when Pitch ‘n Time is turned on.

I think it’s a trade off of having that kind of technology.

He didn’t even have Pitch’n’Time installed, that was his “problem”.

People need to understand that when they are using their Denon standalone hardware with any kind of DJ software over usb cable it becomes a VERY overpriced keyboard. With a small screen and audio interface :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agree with you, the original plan was not Serato. But since Engine DJ can’t sync with Apple Music I am looking at all options before giving up. If any one has manage to sync Apple Music with Engine DJ I would love to hear about it.

Understood and apologies if it sounded harsh - comment was meant less for you and more for general audience.

I think you will find that fundamentally sync from other softwares to Engine desktop is meant as a one time thing and not a parallel process.

Lexicon and other 3rd party tools might be the solution you need but they introduce a complexity (and $$$) in the process that has often proved fragile.

That is what I am finding out. I think Prime 4+ is a great piece of hardware that makes everything else arround look like a toy but it lacks the nesesary integration to make it an all in one toll. I would love to talk to the developers. My day job is in Global Supply chain and media distribution. My best ideas I get it from djing but is hard to walk away from best practices. I believe that a Media Asset Management should be separate from a performance software like Serato, Rekord Box Traktor, etc. Apple music is a free media asset management that offers a lot of basic capabilities that I used on a daily basis. Transcoding, Organization, distribution, playback, etc. The problem is the word “Free”, like everything else it comes with a price. Open for sugestions on a good media asset management.

No offense taken, is a valid point. They could have done a better job when the unit is set to controller mode. May be separating the unit in zones or some mecanical aproach instead of digital. Ex. the Zone output.

P4 with VirtualDJ is a better choice…

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