Search by BPM inacurate on Prime 2

Noticed when you do a search by BPM the BPM of the tracks shown do not match the search by BPM. Also as you go through the BPM list with some the tracks shown don’t change.

Can you provide some pictures of the issue?

I’m not sure in what way you’re believing the search to be wrong.

If you’re searching for tracks with a particular bpm … like 128bpm but finding that tracks above and below 128bpm are being shown, then it’s worth referring to the manual, about page 18

The unit and search are helping your search rather than hindering it:

“ Note: You can also use the Preferences to set whether you want to show tracks with the same key only or tracks with compatible keys as well as adjust the “tolerance” of the BPM filter (to include tracks with tempos within 1–15 BPM of the selection). See Menu > Preferences to learn more. “

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Perfect. Thanks for your help.

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