SC6000 vs. EngineOS 4.0.0 - waveform 2nd Layer / „Master“ Knob Lighting

hey Denon…thanks for the surprising and really good / extensive update. but i have 2 points / questions:

  • up to version 3.4.0, the waveform of the other layer was also displayed in the single deck layout. This apparently only works in dual mode now? For me it was a good compromise solution to not necessarily have to use the “dual mode” and still keep both layers in view.

  • “Master” button illumination: the “Master” button is now only lit on the lead deck. On the other one the LED is off (until 3.4.0 the button was at least a bit dimly lit). Can the key lighting be reactivated (would fit in with the rest of the layout / lighting concept)?

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That makes more sense, to be fair.

It’s a catch 22 situation. If the button is always lit, people complain that they can’t tell the difference between on and off. Now the difference is clear, someone asks for it to be lit again!



It’s a “it used to be like this and now it’s different” issue…at least as far as the master button is concerned :joy:

I’ve noticed this in the 5000s as well. I’ve reported it already I believe but I’ll have to check if I actually did it or not!

All buttons should be dimly lit that are available to be pressed for the current mode.