SC6000 'On Air Mode' not working as it should

Has anyone else found that on air mode is not working as it is designed to. It works correctly on my Prime 4 But i have the below issue on my SC6000’S

On the SC6000’S when i have on air mode turned off and the Jogwheel rings show the deck colour all the time even when Fader down. (All good)

When i turn on ‘On Air’ mode the Jogwheel Colour rings just stay white at all times As far as i am used to seeing. When fader is down the ring should be white and when the fader is up the colour shouod come on. Has anyone else had this happen?¿?

Denon Please fix Many thanks

what mixer do you use with the 6000?

I am using denon X1850

Usual suspects

  1. Plug the players into the correct Ethernet port. I use 2 and 3 on the 1800

  2. Check that Engine connect is working as well.

Hey - As Mufasa has stated, your channels and player numbers need to match the ethernet port on the back of the mixer.

  • Player 2 → Ethernet Port 2 → Channel fader 2 on the mixer
  • Player 3 → Ethernet Port 3 → Channel fader 3 on the mixer

Please let us know if this fixed your issue.


Sorted thanks all


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