SC6000 Jogwheel phantom touch and stuttering

I recently had an issue where both of my SC6000 started stuttering randomly, first the right player, and shortly after the other player started too.

It seemed like phantom touches on the jogs since the music stuttered as well. Gladly I managed to record a video of it so I can post here =) Players ran for about 6 hours until it happened, Engine 4.0.

What could have caused this, and how can I prevent it from happening again?

Typical bad grounding issue. Jog wheels need good power cable grounding to function properly. Check these points:

  1. Check if the power cable sits correctly.
  2. Check if power cable grounding is ok.
  3. Restart the device and don’t touch the jog wheel when it’s booting up (auto touch calibration is performed during startup).
  4. Test on a different power cable / socket.
  5. Test in different room (to rule out bad grounding in that power socket).
  6. Check if no magnetic fields are near that player (speaker, plasma ball decoration, or something else that can generate magnetic fields).
  7. Swap decks sides to see if the issues stays on the same side of the mixer.
  8. Use other RCA cables (maybe the shielding in the cables is compromised).
  9. Use other mixer to rule out issues with grounding introduced by the mixer.

Thank you, that answer is perfect! I’m certain poor grounding was the issue here

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Great, that I could help. Happy mixing!

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