SC6000 crashes and restarts

I have a pair of CS 6000s that crash and restart when I jump to a hot cue that is further ahead than the file has loaded. I have installed a Samsung 840EVO 4TB and play FLAC files. I can accept not being able to play until it’s loaded, but I not crash and restart…

Is there anyone who knows how to fix this?

You can get more assistance here my friend…Support : Denon DJ

Found the issue with the player freezing and rebooting. It seems to be a bug in the software related to Flac files. I am using Flac 192 kHz, and when I set a cue point that is beyond what the player has loaded, it crashes. This does not happen with other formats like Wav and Mp3. Hopefully, Denon will address this issue promptly.

If it were me, with SC6000s, I’d make a copy of the drive and then convert all the flac files to wav or mp3 320k until the problem is resolved, if it can be resolved.

It would be strange if they couldn’t solve that bug. I prefer to avoid lowering the quality of my files to Mp3 320k and missing out on other information with wav.

That’s why I say “make a copy”

FLAC files are not the issue; I mostly have those as well. Maybe the 192kHz versions of them are. Perhaps try and convert some to WAV 192kHz as test?

As for the possible bug; it might not be high on the list to solve soon.

(I’ll refrain from commenting on the usefulness/validity of these file versions in general)

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Yes. What about aiff? Unfortunately, you probably lose all of your cues, loops and beatgrids? That may not be trivial.

The bug is present in Flac 96 kHz as well. Crashes while playing files on a player should be their top priority.

Certainly, AIFF can be a good option. With an extensive collection and a lot of preparation, it would be preferable if they address and fix the FLAC bug.

You have to consider how widespread the issue is too, if I add to Reese’ comment and say if you’re the only person reporting the problem it’s likely not going to be high priority. This would also point to something in your own workflow that is causing the crash, otherwise the forum would be loaded with threads around the devices failing.

It might be worth raising a bug report then providing a sample file for the InMusic team to test to see if they can replicate.

I don’t personally use that format at all so can’t assist directly.

Any news @Tjabo ?

haven’t heard anything from Denon support yet… Instead, I converted the files to AIFF, which resolved the issue for me.


My experience with Denon support has been less than stellar.

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@Tjabo To confirm, you have setup a support ticket for this issue? If so, what is your tickwt number?