SC5000M - Platter issue

Have you considered putting the walk through on a blog and coffee donation button. Just for s & g


Ok, so for everyone 's benefit (including mine!), I’ve published the instructions to regrease the SC5000Ms online.

I hope they are useful!


It is a well done set of instructions and I am quite impressed. I think I can confidently now service my 2 SC5000M`s thanks to Freddy_Gang A true gent.

I am confident others will find this very useful, & anyone with this issue should check out Freddy_Gang`s service instructions above.


Hello Freddy, I did my 2 players again but now with technics mk oil, and they are smooth as butter. The second player i did in 10 min. Only the flat cable is nerve wracking. Especially the one you have to detach from the board with the 5 screws. There is no lock mechanisme like the micro flat cable have at the pcb for the motor. Again thanks.


Freddy, thanks so much for the instructions, very valuable, so good of you to share all the hard work! I have 2 SC6000’s, on one unit the jogwheels won’t spin as freely like the 2nd unit, almost like the brake is partially on. Mustering up the courage to open it up and see if i can assess the fault. I suspect i may need to open it up as per your instructions, and go further by way of taking off the Jogwheel completely, or somehow get to the underside of it. If you have any thoughts i’d love to hear it!

Thanks, Rexx.

Uhm… my instructions are for the 5000s, not the 6000s. I have no idea if they will work!

Yes, different models, but under the hood everything would be almost identical except the motorised part.

Just done this to mine and the difference is night and day. Thank you so much for guide!