SC5000 Platter Removal

Hello! My SC5000 has some roller wheels rattling inside the jog wheel assembly so I disassembled the entire thing. The only thing I have left is, the removal of the jog wheel but I’m unsure as to how to proceed. There is nothing else to unscrew or disconnect from the bottom so I assume is matter of “popping” the platter. I tried prying it but I feel too much resistance so I stopped. Any of you have done this before? I looks like the SC5000 and Prime 4 have similar mechanisms judging by the internal photos and FCC exhibits I’ve seen. Please advice.

The only advice really that can be given here is ; let an authorised service centre do the work for you.

Primes are very advanced in terms of their multi-board construction and layered connectors etc.

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Hello Pasha,

Thanks, I was able to remove it without causing any damage to it.


Don’t forget to post a step by step when you are done for other brave folks who may want to take matters into their own hands :raised_hands:


You have to remove the upper touch plate, it’s glued on. I saw this once when it separated due to bad service repair.

Don’t ask me how to get It back then…