SC Live 4 Wi-Fi Problems

I got a weird problem with the Wi-Fi Connection on my SC Live 4. When I power on the Controller I get the option of all the Wi-Fi connections and they are working fine. I can than play and download songs (from beatport, soundcloud and so on) for about 30-40 Minutes and than suddenly the SC Live 4 can not connect to the network. When I then try to load up a song from beatport to one Desk it just showing “Fetching track info” and nothing happens. When I go back to the Wi-Fi Display it shows the “connected” Wi-Fi but every other network (which were showing to me at startup) are gone and do not show up. Also when I start a Hotspot from my phone this Wi-Fi connection will not show up. When I then disconnect or disable the current Wi-Fi it is stuck in a loop and just says “Searching for network connections”.

Also very weird is the thing that if i restart the controller the problem with the no Wi-Fi is still there. But if I leave it off for about 1 hour I than have Wi-Fi connection for about 30-40 minutes until the problem strikes again.

I already tried going back to the Version 3.4 but that also does not help. Also tried a factory reset without success.

I read that several person have problem with the Wi-Fi connection but for me the problem is that I have Wi-Fi connection for several minutes but than suddenly it stops and it can not connect or see any Wi-Fi.