Hello everybody
I am frustrated.
Working sc live 4 with vdj
Randomly sound cuts out in the midle of the live program with no errors at logfile on Vdj, everything seems works fine optical but no sound
I have to reset the controller to return on my main program.
Any hints tips? tried to contact denon but guess what?
Please only help and tips don’t judje why I am using vdj and this is a standalone controller etc.
Thanks in advance.
Have you raised a ticket on the VDJ forum?
Yes my friend … Nothing. The same problem. Has told me is a problem with the drivers and the problem find only at windows…on mac users works fine. I wonder why? I have the green usb cable
Windows 11 seems to have messed up a lot of different drivers etc. for example the Ethernet ports on our Dell monitors no longer work since the upgrade to W11. Luckily Dell have put an updated Ethernet driver out but I dare say other companies are much slower at dealing with issues.
Now what can i do with this problem?
I can’t help with that sorry… one of the VDJ experts may be able to help.
There are already a number of threads on the vdj forum concerning this issue, which seems to be recurrent on SC Live with VDJ.
I don’t know if it’s related to Windows 11 or if Windows 10 users also have this issue.
A workaround that seems to work is to use Asio4all instead of the native SC live drivers.
Can you help me my friend for this please ?
It’s not very complicated. Just download and install asio4all. Then, in the asio4all configuration, specify that you want to use the sound card from your SC live 4. And finally, in virtual dj, simply choose asio4all as driver instead of your SC live 4’s native asio drivers and assign the channels to the decks you want.
My controller did the same thing- I tried optimizing windows to work with it- But sound and buffering couldnt keep up- I upgraded my memory to 32 gig from 16 gig- but the processor still wasnt able to keep up- I bit the bullet 2 weeks ago and bought a 32 gig memory gaming computer with one of the fastest processors on the market- now its running pretty much how its supposed to with other units I have used- I may actually upgrade the memory to 64 gig of memory also see these vids
I did follow these vids- but a $2000 gaming computer solved most of the issues for me- then enacted some of the settings from the vids
Just please be aware that despite the misleading name, ASIO4ALL is not an ASIO driver.
In fact it’s almost pointless these days, because it just uses WDM, pretending to be an ASIO driver.
If you’ve already got an audio interface that has an ASIO driver, you don’t need ASIO4ALL.
If your audio interface works with WASAPI, you don’t need ASIO4ALL.
If your software does not require an ASIO driver, you don’t need ASIO4ALL.
And yet, for cases where a native ASIO driver gives issues, ASIO4ALL works. I recommend using it.
Outstanding brother, this is why it’s such a great wed page, someone always has the knowledge and is not too precious to share. Respect
In this case, asio4all is a solution to a sound mute problem with the original asio drivers on Sc live 4 with virtual DJ / windows 11 . It’s not intended as a long term replacement solution, but as a temporary workaround until a fix is found, either through a driver update, virtual dj or microsoft.
The first thing to try should be adjusting the ASIO buffer size. That’s what it’s there for.
The buffer size is 256 now !
Meaning what? Did you increase it to 256 and now it’s working?
If it’s 256 and you have crackles, make it bigger.
Now it’s at 256 from the first install.
I give up.
I had the same problem with Serato, did a lot of research with Serato support and we had the same conclusuon, I gave up and returned to my old Pioneer SX-3, controller and are having no issues. I’lm using a dedicated HP Zbook Studio. With a clean install of Windows 11.