After upgrading to Engine 4.0 I sometimes get some screen stuttering in the wave displays. It’s just some fraction of a second stutter, not affecting sound, but it’s annoying. Before upgrading to 4.0 all was smooth.
Hey @DigArt
Welcome to the forum. I can understand it’s a little annoying but fortunately it’s just visually cosmetic only and doesn’t affect how it operates. It’s a known issue and has improved slightly with the recent version.
Hopefully there’s a full fix one day but for now it’s just a quirk with Engine OS that can be safely ignored.
hi there, Since I installed 4.0, I’m much less comfortable with the interface. But my big problem is that I have a headphone feedback with a slight delay compared to the amplifier output. It’s horrible, I can’t do anything. Does anyone have a solution? I have the SCLive2. Thx for your help
This is in the release notes though? so should it really be resolved? I have to admit ive not noticed any lag on this version of the OS.
Yes, you’re right. Strangely I didn’t have any stuttering before upgrading to 4.0 and now I have.
Have you tried a clean install of your engine library to your drive since the update? Not saying it will resolve anything but worth a try.
I’ve had this on the mic channel rendering it unusable on the SCLIVE4 and it’s never been resolved. It looks like it affects the headphones too. There is no solution for the mic issue for the users that experience it so my guess is that the headphone issue will also be a problem.
Try going backwards and reinstalling the previous working firmware. If it still does it after that then you maybe looking at a warranty return.
I still see the odd random glitch. I think it’s been improved 90% but not fully solved. At least from what I’ve seen in the Prime Go.
They used to regularly have a micro-glitch, that is gone now, but there is considerable stutter when tracks are loading or other things happening.
Ah right ok, I’ll try and keep an eye out for it when I next use mine.
Thank you for the advice. I will spend some time this weekend reinstalling the update, hoping that it fixes the issue…
I faced more or less the same problem but in my case it’s not only related to the screen but also the audio goes off for a fraction of second.