SC 4 live no sound

Sc4 live problem no sound from headphones monitor and main out, sound is coming from built in speakers. I need your help, i am new with denon controllers and i need some guidance

Thanks alot And appreciate your help

Have you checked your volume is turned up, I have a sc live 4 not had any issues with mine so far

Hi there, yes i have checked everything, it was working earlier , i am not sure what happened again, suddenly no sound on headphone mo itor and sound output?, ive check the setting and all looks the same, is there any setup that i need to know?

Thanks alot

The only think I can think of which would stop sound coming out of headphones/line out is the Main Volume knob (not the speaker volume knob) is turned down. Basically just make sure that all knobs are set to 12 o’clock. Sorry if I’m stating the obvious but you mentioned it worked before. Other than this I would say your unit may have developed a hardware issue.

Hi there, Yes all volume knobs are in proper positioning, it was weird that last night and this morning it was working perfect. I double check mixer tabs and all the tabs in setting, and i dont see anything pertaining to volume out controls., Im new on denon controllers and not really sure where and and what to do

Thank you

Sorry bro I am not sure then, it maybe worth sending it back to Denon to have a look.

Used standalone or as a controller?

ANSWER: I had the exact same issue — here’s the fix. look on the left bottom side of the center, find “Headphones” and adjust the two knobs LEVEL and CUE MIX to 12 o’clock. Then adjust “CUE MIX” as needed - that controls the headphone volume. Make sure MAIN VOL on the right top center is also turned on.