Rgb led color change on x1800/1850

Came across this old review on the x1800 and saw the note about rgb led’s on the mixer.

Has there been any option or firmware/software update to allow for one to change the colors f them on either the x1800 or x1850?

I have an x1850 mixer with the latest firmware. As far as I know, there is no option to change any colours. The brightness of the LEDs can be adjusted in the settings. I love the green so much! :green_heart:

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Fader cue color can only be assigned.


The Effects ON/OFF button can have its colour changed too


Gotcha! Wasn’t sure if that ever became a thing in the feature updates or if ( programmatically under the hood ) if it would even be feasible short of desoldering and re-soldering every LED. Sounds like a no on that, but that sure would be a nice feature to add if it actually is programmatically possible via a firmware update.

" Mark Settle

January 18, 2018 at 4:46 am

I did think about this — probably a shower idea that never made it to the review. But given that RGB LEDs can now be any colour, having the option to change the colour scheme in options seems like a good idea."

I did not know about the brightness adjustment, thanks for sharing that!

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I have learned something new too, I did not know about the fader cue color. Modern equipment often has so many settings and capabilities …

Fader cue color can be set by EngineOS via the players, but it’s also available to overrule in the mixers’ settings.

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With this new-found knowledge, my mixer is now greener. :blush:

Thank you! :green_heart:

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