Rekordbox USB to Engine Prime - Prime 2 import?


Question, just bought a new Denon Prime 2 and tried to import a recordbox USB. Prime 2 seems to recognise the USB and starts with the transfer of songs. ( +/- 7K songs ), after a while ( before completing the import ) this stops and no songs or playlists are converted to the Prime 2.

Next step would be converting my RB collection to engine prime, but this cannot be done as i only have the RB USB with my music ( incl. playlist ).

Whats steps should i undertake to get my RB usb with playlists working on my Prime 2? But maybe more important, why does it seems that the import don’t work properly?

Thank you for your help.

What firmware are you running on the Prime2?

Check if the size of the Engine DB files are more than 4gb

I updated the Prime 2 yesterday with the latest firmware. Do i need to check the size on my usb or on the prime 2. If on the prime 2, where do i check the size on the unit itself?


Plug the USB stick into a laptop and check

293 mb only on usb.

Not sure why you are having difficulty but you can try doing the import in engine dj app rather than using the device

First close/exit engine dj

Delete the engine library folder that’s on the root of the USB

Now start Engine Dj app on computer

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Done, thank you btw for the help. What next to do? How do i import the playlists from the usb to engine dj om the computer app?

Your tracks are on the USB right?

I think you may need to do that in rekordbox first

When the music is in rekordbox on your computer

Eject the USB stick

Make a new rekordbox xml for the library

Open Engine DJ and import that XML

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Ty, will give this a try. Will get asap.

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See this link on how to export your rekordbox library, hotcues etc as XML

Ty, started with with import now. Will need some hours / days to finish import all playlists. Then export RB xml and try to import in Engine → export to new USB for play on Prime 2.

Yes sir!

That’s the free way!

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Worked like a charm Mufasa. Tx for your help!!

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