Hey everyone, hope today is going well for you all! Just wanted to post a few questions about moving my library when upgrading my laptops SSD. So, I was thinking about putting in a bigger drive and having all my music on one internal drive. currently my music source is from a 1TB external. Would there be a way to move the everything without having to redo my entire library? I’m not even thrilled about using the relocate my files option on red tracks when they appear because the auto locate never works, and manual location would be time consuming seeing how I have 20K tracks. Any advice would be wonderful and greatly appreciated.
Hi Gary
Is your music all in one folder or in different folders within a master folder?
Once you have moved it you should be able to use the ‘auto relocate all’ function to pick up the new file path. It might be worth manually relocating one track first.
just curious why though?
To avoid my drive from being ejected improperly. It’s happened a few times before. And one less thing to worry about when traveling
Hey STU-C I’ve tried the one folder system and just using smart lists but I’m really comfortable using separate folders on my drive and moving my folders and playlists individually. I’ll keep trying the auto relocate feature it’s just never worked for me, the track is never found until I used the locate manually. I’m wondering if the auto relocate would work better if all the files were located on the internal drive, if that makes sense. Thanks again for the quick response STU-C
I think I figured it out and tried moving over some tracks to my internal drive and the auto relocate was able to find the tracks. Now I think I have a better plan on moving forward with this. I don’t think the auto relocate feature looks through external drives and probably just searches the drive the app is installed on, that being the internal drive. I was trying to avoid redoing my entire library with the move but it looks like it’s going to work out just fine for me. Thanks again STU-C
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