Question about anchor, beatgrid and bpm

Why, while the bpm between 2 anchors is locked, the grid is not? So after finishing and spending a lot of time working on the grid I find myself with an offset on the first point of the track! I hope I have been explicit enough, because putting this type of concern in writing is not easy, but if you also add the difficulty of translation ( I speak French) you will understand my concern. thank you very much for your indulgence

That may help you understand how to grid

In a nutshell, use the + and - icons when making beatgrid changes for tracks that ain’t fixed.

Do not use the arrow icons ie shift grid

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thanks a lot but i worked with my prime4

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Same thing on prime 4

What is the track you want to grid

stretch why did you do it

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So the track starts at a steady tempo

Then there is break - insert your first anchor there and use the + / - to change the bpm to 92bpm

When the break ends , put another anchor , then + / - to change bpm to 98bpm

IMG_1456 IMG_1457

Thanks a lot, I must have put at least 10, especially towards the end :roll_eyes: Is it normal that they do not appear in the preview or in engine or in my p4?


I have not seen that before

in the overview I mean

I don’t think grid lines are shown in the overview/preview wave form.

It is present on the playback waveforms

Yes, but the hot cues and the loops you can see them why not the anchor?