Problem z autoryzacją Prime 4 w wersji engine os 4.2.0

After updating my prime 4 to version 4.2.0 the device is not identified on the page It shows the information UNKNOWN. I checked by going back to the previous version - 4.1.0 and then normally in the authorized-devices section it shows what device and serial number. I encountered the above-mentioned problem when I wanted to activate Steams. I paid for access to Steams but I could not activate it because how could I since the system shows UNKNOWN!!!


My email address matches the one in my profile engine

Everything is clear now, the problem was paying for steam via PayPal. The money was taken but there was no activation. It only worked when I paid by card

I have lots of unknown devices (10+) in this list and stems is working fine.

The issue most have when stems are not working, is that their e-mail address buying the stems add-on did not match their Engine profile e-mail.

Und wie kann man das korrigieren?

Best to contact Support | Engine DJ for this.

Vielen Dank Reese - ich bin glücklicherweise selbst nun fündig geworden. Alles klar und danke an das Entwickler-Team für dieses sensationelle Upgrade!!!

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