Problem after upgrade 3.1.1

after upgrading to version 3.1.1, i had this problem, while analizing files it gets stuck at 2 remaining and won’t continue. have others had this problem?

I would try to rename that red file and change the title, eliminating the square brackets and strange characters.

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YT2mp3 is also a Youtube download plugin, which is certainly not the best place to be obtaining music from, both ethically and technically.


You are right but this was not the problem I described, I have been a DJ for over 40 years, and I know where to buy music, and the rules for being an ethical DJ, I hate mp3 files, I only have purchased wavs. it makes me laugh that in what I asked you remind me of the ethical factor. Congratulations anyway for your seriousness.

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It could be the reason you’re analysing is stuck on 2 tracks remaining however, there could be a file corruption that is causing the process to get stuck. A Youtube rip is more likely to be the cause of this than files purchased and downloaded from an official source.

If you’ve converted one of these files to Wav (or someone else has) its essentially pointless as a compressed file cant be uncompressed back to lossless, there also may be some metadata problems between the MP3 to Wav conversion.

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