Prime4+ And SC6000M Sync/ Wave on Screen / Effects

Hi i Have a Prime 4+ and 2 SC6000m and ich can´t get the waves from the SC6000´s on my Prime4+ Screen. I can´t sync the Prime4+ with the SC 6000´s and i cant use Effects on the 6000´s ( Line In). Is that all right that those options only are for the LC6000´s I don´t understand that

That would be the Best setup PRIME4+ & SC6000´s with working Sync / Screen Sharing and Using Effcts on the 6000´s.

Engine OS please put those funktions in the programm. that would be the best move after Stems!!!

Thxs Dennis

I got the Sync on Both working now :grinning:

You can sync between different devices but it is not currently possible to share waveforms between devices, not even between two Sc6000/M.

There is already a feature request for this that you could vote on.