Hello there.
I have an Prime Go. It is connected to Engine Lightning with Philips Hue.
In the drop down menu of the Prime Go, I switched off my crossfader. So I do not use the crossfader. Last time I noticed that the lightning was almost not reacting on my left channel. And it was reaction on the right channel. And I just figured out why.
Even with my crossfader turned off, the lightning is reacting to it! So if I accidentally push my crossfader to the left, the lightning will only react to the music on my left channel. And is dark when I play music on my right channel.
I dont think this is how it should work. If the crossfader is turned off in the menu of the player, lightning should also not react to the crossfader anymore.
I am not bothered by it. I know it now. But took me some time to figure out. And thought I should share it here.