Prime GO bricked after 2.1.1 Update

Hey, i wanted to update my almost new Prime Go to 2.1.1 over WiFi. The Update got downloaded and the device was apparently installing the update. After a couple of hours the device “restarted”.

Now it is stuck on booting up. The display is showing engine dj 2.1.1 and after a couple of seconds the screen turn black and it happens again. Some buttons are also always enlighted.

I tried to go the update-state by pressing the power and eject button but apparently the device dosen’t respond to it at all.

Can i fix this on my own? I can also provide a video.

Best regards roughy

Do you have any USB or SD card inserted? If so test removing them.

My sd-card was plugged in while updating. Maybe this was the fault. I removed it and the device still doesn’t responding to the power and eject-button. It keeps restarting till the battery is empty :frowning:

To re-do the firmware upgrade by cable:

  • Download the PC or Mac version of the firmware upgrade and connect the Blue USB cable.
  • Connect the power adapter and press the ON button while holding LOAD > and LOAD < buttons to enter firmware update mode on the Prime Go.
  • Now run the firmware upgrade program on your PC/Mac.
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The update screen is thankyfully appearing, but the mode doesn’t stay, keeps turning off after a couple of seconds and then the usual “restarting” behaviour starts again untill the battery is empty.

Check that no buttons are stuck, but it sounds like a hardware fault to me. If someone else don’t have any more ideas then send it back for repair.

woah, i was able to apply the firmware update via usb finally. When i was holding the down the powerbutton for a couple of time the device restarted.

The solution was to hold down the LOAD > and LOAD < buttons and !quickly! press and release the power-button and my windows recognized the denon prime go and the update got applied.

Really appreciated your help!


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