Prime 4 + Slicer

Hello, when I activate the Slicer in Prime 4 +, I cannot exit the loop, that is, I cannot cancel the slicer, I would like your help in this regard.

There are two modes to the slicer. One is a slip-roll style mode where the track will progress and the slice is head over the track, not losing your place in the track.

The second mode is where the slice will loop. This will keep the track looping.

Double press the SLICER button to switch modes.

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Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately it doesn’t work.

Have you tried switching to another pad mode like Hot Cue? That should work.

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Hello, thank you for sparing your valuable time for me. Yes, what you said worked, thank you.


Not a problem. I understand how some modes can be a little confusing.

Enjoy your Prime 4+ and maybe join the public stems beta to test out the vocal removal / instrumental creator if you’re not playing out live. You can find the link in the forum.

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