Prime 4+push2 and ableton link

Hi everyone, I have a big question, I hope you can help me. I have a Denon Prime 4+, a MacBook M1 with Ableton Suit 12.1 and a wonderful Push 2. I want to monitor a live with Ableton and Push and have it sound through one of the Denon Prime 4’s channels. Could someone confirm for me if it’s correct that I only need a simple cable from the Mac to the line input of one of the Prime 4+'s channels to do this?

Yes of course you can feed the audio output of your computer into one of the Prime line inputs. You can also sync Live with the Prime via Link.

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thanks for the answer, correct so far I have only been able to make the link on both devices. So I only need a white and red usb-c to rca cable, for the line input and that channel will be used as a simple turntable or cdj? I was hoping to find an output audio setting in the live12 menu where it should recognize the prime 4 sound card, but this way I will force the direct input and it will not be necessary to make additional settings on the live audio hardware. Is that the only way to make this connection?

I am not sure it’s possible to route the audio over USB to one of the P4 channels (At least I have not come across that!) I used an external audio interface to push sound out of Logic or a Looper to the P4 and then control via either a launchpad or a mouse. I found that the M-Audio unit works well for this.

NOTE (I know this is not your use case but I also found it out!) - if you were to try and use an iPad then the USB C port can be used for routing audio but then the hardware does not send sufficient power (even via a powered USB hub!) to power a launchpad…

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I think so, and keep in mind that you will not be able to activate effects on an external channels, only the filter will work

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