I would like to see the Prime 4’s Zone out playlist Automix be improved upon further with selectable crossfaderof -25 to +25 seconds rather than the current 0 to 12 seconds.
At the very least a 0 to 25 change would be perfect acceptable as well.
I would also like the option to see a waveform be added during zone out playlist automix and continuous mix.
Although these fearures can all be done using Virtual Dj… I am looking for these additional features to be brought over to the Prime 4 and Prime 4+ to further enhance their standalone capabilities.
Although this is a hairs breath from being a full on incoherent rant, I’ll try and understand what you are demanding here.
If I’ve got this right, you want to essentially stand doing nothing whilst the machine plays music one track after another, with occasional interruptions from you on a microphone?
Would you not be better off saving £2000 you spent on the ‘DJ’ controller and instead invest in something like this.
You do know that the Prime 4 already has a zone out playlist automix.??
It actually works rather well and automixes songs (blending them) with no gaps in between songs rather nicely.
I ’m looking to further improve upon it as it’s limited to 0 to 12 seconds. If nothing else just tweaking it to 25 seconds would be perfect.
->If you owned a Prime 4 I’m sure you would understand this better.
This is a separate feature of the Prme 4’s zone out and is not related to the continuous playback option.
It’s just not talked about much…
There’s also nothing wrong with having an automix or an autogain option or any other good suggestion. Which are just about in everyone’s software already…
True. Always the same two or three fanboys who come and spam interesting posts, arguing they are the best and only them have the knowledge… Sometimes then don’t even have the gear that it’s all about. Sad because without that this forum may be useful.
When you say Rekordbox are you talking about their laptop software or built in hardware OS? As far as I’m aware they’re built in OS only offers what engine does.
At the very least you should still be prepping your music and removing dead space from the end of tracks in somewhere like Audacity, that’s good practise all around as it gives an accurate picture of track length.
I know a couple of guys who do pre mixes and store them ready for warm up sets etc, perhaps that’s something to consider?
I’m not sure this feature will be popular enough to be voted in, given most people are more into the performance side of things on these devices. Virtual DJ is and always will be the best option for mobile/event DJs due to its feature set.
The way I see it there’s currently five work arounds for those wishing to have a Prime 4 / Prime 4+ Zone out Automix with fader time options.
(1) Use Virtual Dj for its Automix which defeats the purpose of running a fully standalone Prime 4 / Prime 4+.
(2) In my case, I use my backup controller… A very old Stanton SCS.4DJ (Which is Fully Standalone) that features both, an Automix with selectable in/out fader times but also has built in Autogain!! Definitely ahead of its time for sure.
(3) Hook up an iPad or iPhone to the line in of the Prime 4 / Prime 4 + or AUX IN on the Prime 2 and run the iOS djay app which will Automix and play all of your playlist (stored on the iOS device) until your ready to start your set for the night then you can just fade out/in, start mixing, and take control as normal.
(4) Folks can support my Autogain feature request post which also mentions Automix and hope Denon will add an Automix with fader options to the Zone out of the Prime 4 / Prime 4+.
(5) Use the current Prime 4 / 4+ zone out playlist Automix limited to +12 seconds.
Dude if you have 80000 tracks then surely you need to step back and as you say
Rather than worrying about an automix feature which is available in lots of different platforms [not just DJ software] which you could probably use with ease in your workflow with your Prime gear.
By no means am i suggesting that your request [which you have not feature requested] is a bad idea i just think it could have been better thought out, i don’t know, like a ‘cut silence’ at end of track or ‘fade in/out’ between tracks.
I have used VDJ among others when i started out, and, when its automix feature works it works quite well, but mostly it’s an absolute mess.
I’ve attended functions where they have had DJ’s providing entertainment for the guests, and for some of them, the DJ have a break in between different parts of the event, not one of them had auto mixed music, they had some relaxing music where the guests can talk and enjoy what they are doing [usually eating] and it was very pleasurable.
Regardless, if you think it’s a good idea, then post it as a feature request, then at least other people who think it may be a valuable addition can add their vote to it, just ensure that you understand what you would asking from your post is probably about 5 different features.
AUTOMIX please.
Per chi fa eventi e non serate nei club è utilissima questa feature:
Sigaretta, bagno, panino fast o meglio ancora scambio del numero con la tipa che ci prova…
Automix is already on the Prime 4 and Prime 4+ during zone out use. It is a completely separate option from continuous mix. So if you need this option now that is something to consider.
It’s currently set to fade in/out at up to 12 seconds. I always felt 25 or more seconds would allow for better functionality and allow more zone out (dinner type music) to be played in a shorter time span. This slight time increase would make it even more beneficial to wedding Dj’s.
Automix during zone out is actually another Denon exclusive that you will not find on any of the competitors current standalone units such as the Opus Quad. Oddly, it seems as if none of the reviewers know about this handy option as it’s never been mentioned before as far as I know.
If you have Virtual DJ or DJAY they both provide it but now your not in standalone mode.
It would be nice to see this come to more standalone controllers at different price points.