Prime 4 owner of 6 months here! Came from a Pioneer DDJ-SX (from circa 2014 B.C.) that started to show wear. After my 1st local gig, I saw the need for a new Serato-friendly controller. Couldn’t find something that ticked all the boxes; then, a friend recommended Denon…
…and I got a Prime 4! I’m still amazed to have 4 true standalone channels. Free updates constantly adding improvements/features? YES! And it’s SO fun to use, and the design is so epic… Got a flight case & decksaver so it’s safe from this cruel, harsh world.
Admittedly, the transition has had hiccups. The way Engine OS handles pitch changes while using sync still confuses me. In Serato, there’s been weird connection issues on occasion, and the shift buttons sometimes “stick” for a couple seconds while freezing Serato’s screen briefly. So if someone has tips on getting Computer Mode to run more reliably…I’m all ears!
Why to use computer mode, when stand alone is packed with all you need for a successful gig?
I moved from Pioneer to Denon in 2017 - no turning back.
even playing on CDJ’s 3000’s feels now like using oldschool gear…
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Computer mode gives more information on a larger screen would be my guess.
I never use computer mode, always having a laptop to carry extra is not my thing.
Just carry the prime 4 to a party and connect the device to a soundsystem and done.
I’m just used to having Serato for DJing & library management. Plus it’s nice to have a big screen with a touchpad and keyboard. But the standalone mode is also growing on me!
Give it a try for a couple of days, I come from Rekordbox and Pioneer devices. In rekordbox creating a playlist is well though out. You can even play the list on your laptop just using a mouse and use the EQ’s. It took me 6 month to change my workflow. But for a couple of days now i do not use Rekordbox anymore. A great side effect is the muscle memory you get whilst creating and testing the playlist on the Prime 4.
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I’ve been practicing with (and enjoying) both standalone and computer mode. Just the mere fact I have both options is what makes this such an attractive controller, on top of how capable it is either way. I could see myself making the move to standalone only once I can get fully comfortable with it.
Your absolutly wright on that, i also had to be at ease with the P4 and engine. It takes a while, it’s also hard letting go of old habbits.
You have plenty of time, the reason why I said goodbye was also the fact that syncing RB to Engine was never perfect.
Just enjoy the P4 for a while and maybee Serato is also gone 
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If you want to use computer mode, I would advise Virtual DJ!
Virtual DJ looks dope! I’d have to get a license though but I’ll look into it