Prime 2 Playlist Log

Hi! Hope everyone is well and safe. Does the Prime 2 keep a playlist log of past events?

Thank you in advance!

I suggest you read the manual, particularly page 16.

I don’t have the Prime 2 yet. This is one of my deciding factors before purchase. I will look for the manual online and check out page 16 Thanks!

Well @PKtheDJ it is in the user guide, but not as complete explained as it works.

@prime2remix The playback history is saved on each device (when a tracks is played over 30 seconds). If you playback from 2 or 3 devices, each device keeps it’s own history (so only a history of tracks played from that device). The history currently does not show a complete list of played tracks merged over devices and does not show any playback history from streaming services.

A device connected in Engine Prime (PC/Mac) shows the history in devices

So currently:

  • Playback from a SD/USB/SATA logs/saves history on the device itself
  • Tracks from another SD/USB/SATA are saved on the history of that device itself, but not merged/shared over other devices
  • Playback from Beatport/Tidal/Soundcloud/Beatsource does not log history

Thank you addie for the detailed answer. One more question, I didn’t see it in the manual online but after completing a few events can I decide what logs to keep and delete? If so how would I delete a playback history and only keeping favorite logs. I see the manual states deletion for playlists you created but not for history. Thank you!

@prime2remix The hardware itself (currently) does not support history edit / removal, but you can delete history sessions on Engine Prime (Mac/Win) by connecting the device, open devices, history, right click the right list and remove. It is also possible to rename a history in Engine Prime.

Feature request here:

Addie, Thank you! This will work for me and resolves my concerns. I will keep the best logs I want and delete others through Engine Prime. Renaming them is a good feature to have. Best!

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