Playlist resetting

This topic has been raised before but nothing done about it, so sorry for the repeat but this drives me nuts as we still have the same issue in 2.3.2.

My issue, along with many others, is that if you add a track from a large list of tunes to a smaller playlist for a set on any Denon player, after adding the track, (losing focus on the source list), your list position in the source list resets. This is such a pain as you have to scroll back to the place where you were searching which can be a big task if there’s hundreds of tunes in that list. In 1.6.x this didn’t happen and wherever you were in a list of tracks, even if you changed focus to another list, or added tunes to another list, when you returned to the original list it would be on the last tune you previewed.

Please Denon DJ, fix this…