Play Count & Release Date

Would love to have a play count for every track. Extremely useful to avoid overplaying a track and playing tracks that should get more attention. You get the idea. Also useful but a nice to have is a “Release Date” field.


There’s a request section in the forum , with a form you fill out for your idea - if other members want it they can use one of their ten forum votes on the idea

It’s quite a polorising option. On one hand, some DJs will use it really well, and in true DJ fashion, to look for those tracks which have, so far never been played by them, and has a zero play count … searching and listening (that long forgotten (p)art of DJing… since there’s more to it than just finding a track which has matching bpm and key) to those tracks and possibly finding some absolute gems to play out, that few other DJs will have unearthed.

The lazy DJ of course, will stand there at their gig, be flummoxed as to what to play next and just search for their most played (out) tracks and keep picking one of the same old safety songs again and again and again, lifting those play counts even further.


I think play count might already be an open request if you search that part of the forum too.

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Play count is something that i really enjoyed with Traktor Pro, if there are quite a few variations on this request with one of them being this one.

It’s a great request in my book, pity I’ve used up all my votes on other goodies :slightly_smiling_face:


As do I in Serato… especially when I have zero knowledge of track names in folders like deep house etc, having a play count gives me visibility of favourites and ones I need to try out.


As many have already mentioned, having a play count can be incredibly useful. In Traktor, the combination of play counts, star ratings, and release dates provided crucial information for creating more precise and enjoyable sets.

I hope we can have this feature soon.

And can be incredibly bad for making stale sets, comprising of the DJs most overplayed tracks, gig after gig after gig, enter the realm of DJ/MC SameSame.

If such a feature is added to Engine DJ then it needs to the option of viewing the play count from zero plays upwards so DJs can see all those tracks they’ve missed out on playing so far:

That’s exactly how is use it in Serato, to see what im not playing as much in my playlists.

That’s the perfect use for it

Play count is already an available column in Engine DJ desktop. To select the column to display, right-click a column and then select Play Count. It’s currently not visible in the OS though.

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Yes, I hope they bring this feature to OS. It would be really helpful for a lot of people

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That’s exactly why … to see which tracks I missed out on, and not overplay tracks with a higher play count. So, bad? No.

Not exactly, only in History.

Very good feature, i used the play counter on my DJ Software (Ultramixer) and missed it at Engine OS.

Please put the Play Counter to Engine OS at next Update😉

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As I am now 8 years in with this platform, I see the option, but it’s greyed out. I am going through and finding songs I know I haven’t even played once in 6+ years, and I’d like to “remove them from the collection.” It would be nice to be able to sort the collection to eliminate (in one way or another) tracks that are hardly played.