Platter Icon at 12 o'clock

Is there a way to have the display icon on the platters start at 12 o’clock? I have searched YouTube and this forum and I am unable to find a setting or a way to set it up. I like to scratch with the platters, but I don’t understand how the icon on the platter is configured to begin when you load a track. It seems to start in different positions depending on the track and/or the first cue.


Hi there.

Short answer: You can’t change anything about it, just need to get used to it.

Long answer: It starts at 12 o’clock position. So at t=0, it is pointing upwards. It is however running according to time and has nothing to do with your beat grid or your cue point. Let me explain. Your song is the source for its clock, so if you speed the song up, it rotates faster and if you slow the song down, it rotates slower, but relative to the song’s time, it always has the same speed. It has 64 lines in that circle. Every 28.125ms (relative to the track’s time) it ticks one. In one second, it ticks 35.(5) times. And at exactly 3 min into the music it returns back to the 12 o’clock position, finishing exactly 100 loops. None of these numbers mean anything to anyone who is not into programming, but it’s neat to know as a user that it rotates 100 times in 3 minutes of the track.

Hope I didn’t discourage you with all the bla-bla… :stuck_out_tongue:


THANKS!! I used to have a programming side business so I loved the math. Soooo what I need to do is edit all my tracks to the same length ( 3 mins ) and the same BPM so I can get them all to start where I want them :joy::laughing::rofl: . . that seems legit.

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long time ago I learnt that music has to do something with mathematics :innocent:

Respecting the posts above, could anybody pls be so kind as to teach me, what the purpose of the rotating grid is?

Thanks in advance and enjoy …

Brgds BeatMaster