Official Stems Update from Engine DJ?

This message is for the developers at Engine DJ: As an owner of the Prime 4+, I would like to know if Engine DJ plans to release a production version of stems, or at least an updated beta version that can improve upon the first beta 3.2.1 stems release. There has been a lot of back and forth commentary and speculation from the community but with so much interest in this feature that was released for testing last year, your consumers deserve to know what is the official status of stems for your products. Please take a moment from the fabulous work you all are doing at Engine DJ and release an official update to your community!


You will be met with silence on this one or at best just a generic response to assure you they are working on it.

Stems is coming Denon know this and we know it but it needs to be done properly if stems released now we will be happy for all of 5 minutes but if they sound poor we will be quick to complain.

There are other features I feel are more important than stems in terms of practice use e.g auto beat gridding like what Dj Pro does not having to grid again would save so much time i hope the engine guys can pull that off as DJ Pro are really pushing the envelope with some of their features (I would like to see a Denon/DJ Pro team up) imagine like the prime 4 + which can use DJ Pro in standalone mode with all its features whilst still having engine OS on hand as well (wish lists aside) we just need to wait.

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The last update still stands:

Pre-Beta Stems version and progress - PRIME 4+ Stems Beta - Engine DJ Community

We just have to wait for it, but it is coming in some shape or form.