maybe it is already mentioned here, but could you please make the clock and a recording elapsed time a bit bigger?
Also it would be nice to set 12/24hr format in settings (then it could occupy less space).
One more nice to have feature in a different topic: when loading a track by swipe selection or encoder click and the screen shows the touchable selection for deck 1/2 it would be also nice to have the possibility to press the physical buttons for deck 1/2 to load a track. (Currently they don’t do anything)
The physical deck load buttons 1/2 do work as I use them over the screen swiping method as I don’t use the view to screen swipe left/right, also theirs an option in the settings to change to 24hr clock unless I’m misunderstanding what it is you require.
Just realised I’m replying to a 11 month old post, don’t know why that popped up in my main screen. Mods you can delete this if you want.