Not synchronizing Tracks when adding?

Hello all, each time i add a Track it is not synching to the same BPM than the running Track? I need to press manually the Synch Button! I tried some Options under the User Menu but without any luck? Any Hints ? Greetings T

I would suggest doing a reset of your upgraded version of Engine DJ, I’ve seen a few people get this problem when they have upgraded to the next download, make sure you have it updated on your Controller and Laptop or device you use for your tunes.

you mean a Firmware Reset of the Controller ?

Yes try this, what laptop are you using? Also with the laptop what upgrade have you done recently? This could have effected your filmware, there is a FAQ on the Denon page about filmware and upgrading.

I am using a Win 10 Laptop. I just did a Reset on the Denon Prime but the Problem stays the same!

Are you using the blue cable that came with your controller? Some people have had a problem with this before.

Nope, i use a normal USB Cable! I dont see the connection between the Laptop and the Denon Prime?

In the past I’ve seen people have this problem when they use a different cable to transfer tunes to their standalone, if you have updated everything then the format the tunes are coming from must not be fully analysed, try re analysing the tunes of it’s only a few, I noticed in the past anything I had that we MP3 format from the old would occasionally have this problem, everything I buy from ITunes never has a problem. Other than this I can’t be any help why Windows is not working for you, I use a MacBook for my music so I’m not a windows person. Hopefully :crossed_fingers:t3: someone with windows may see this post.