New firmware update coming for January?

Wait does it not?! I swore I saw where it did. Oh wait. The have key shift buttons on the display but still no pad play. I bet that’s it. Yeah, that’s a huge bum-mer (apparently we can’t say that word hence the hyphen lol) if not possible!

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All this “need” I can somewhat relate to, but it takes a long time and I’m sure most of it will come to our units and software soon.

DenonDJ is trying to view all topics and the popular/repeating request. At least, unlike the other brand, we don’t have to buy a new device.


Yup! It’s a lot to keep up with I’m sure and yes, you are right! Denon said they had a 5 year plan for our players and I hope they make good on that! But like mentioned in another post, the system in place really does make the sky the limit on what they can implement!

And also worth noting, we are super lucky for the Denon people that frequent this forum and respond and often try to help! That is VERY appreciated even though sometimes they might not feel like it is!

True and a bum-mer for us is that on all levels DenonDJ needs a device. I stated early on this forum that DenonDJ will not succeed with only an SC. Bedroom, starters and mobile deejays need to go Prime also.

So for us, it all goes slow the past years. The good thing is that the software is for all Primes and more hardware means more platform and larger ecosystem.

I’m not bypassing the “should have been from the start” comments in any way, of course. Just offering another perspective.

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I know I have been harsh in my comments every now and then - but almost 2 years on the market With the SC5000, there is still missing some basic features that need to be adressed, and the pace of updates too… And then the fact that I almost had to wait 10 months for a answer on a questions, that I had asked several times meanwhile.

I love the SC5000s and they are way better than my old MCX8000.

But I Hope that now they have launched the P4, they can focus on some of the basic features and solve then, and that we will end up getting updates reguarly as promised.

I have Faith… And if they have a 5 year plan for the SC5000s, i hope it will happen soon with only a bit more than 3 years left :wink:


Likewise. I havent used the rate feature, cause its kinda useless at home. I want to rate them based on crowd response.


No - not for january :wink:

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lol. Im aiming for March, but am currently happy with what I have right now. :slight_smile:

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There’s still 4 hours and 40 minutes (EST) left for January 2019 to be the month that Denon turns on the dual-layer perpetual motion machine no doubt hiding in the firmware. I literally have literal faith that they will literally turn on the literal magic literally in the next four hours. . . #YouJustHave2BelieveJan2019

Matt, you so positive. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sadly ! i’m pretty sure it’s still in beta firmware :relieved: So i really hope for frebruary or early march

Ha!!! Yeah!!! :yum:

I mean, it’s slow progress but hopefully it’s a big coordinated release that seriously evolves the major foundations of the prime ecosystem.

I can understand that they want to take their time and get it really solid upon release. In 2019 the Prime series will be making a lot of important new first impressions with DJs and, if the updates are significant enough, it’ll cause a lot of people to reassess all the units. A stumble out of the gates could be damaging at a strategically pivotal time. Pioneer still sleeps.

Similarly I’m hoping that Serato compatibility with the 5000M is taking a long time because better integration is coming with proper big waveforms etc.

(Then again I gave this kind of optimistic benefit of the doubt to the Traktor team for the last 3 years and look where that got me. Annual “minor bug fixes” :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’d love to at least have a proper preview of what’s on the roadmap for 1h 2019 for devices other than the Prime4. Discuss the upcoming goodness coming to SoundSwitch maybe? I thought that was meant to be a NAMM ‘19 thing?

Well I guess they already won NAMM by a mile. They probably feel confident keeping a few cards close to their chest in case a competitor makes a move before April.

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I didn’t mean it in a bad way either - it was just the answer to the original question of this post :slight_smile:

How do you know the better integration because if you want the same thing as traktor with the Nexus 2 and full beatgrid i think we can wait a long time

I don’t know if better integration is coming but as I said, I really hope it is.

Seems silly for it to be so hobbled considering the combined power of a Laptop and the Prime players.

Big screens in players and advanced standalone features are only going to become more commonplace from here on in. I expect soon you won’t need a laptop to perform with Soundswitch etc.

If adding Serato to your otherwise neat standalone setup means more compromise (clunky waveforms/integration, more clutter, weight, cables, expense, risk, Serato-face) than enhancement then Serato starts looking a little redundant.

Well here’s a “review” for Prime 4 with a few more details about things. I see ‘date added’ as a sort option. Thank you!


Matt from inMusic is wearing a pretty great t-shirt.


If I can throw my 2cent opinion around.

I feel that Denon’s multi touch/gesture screen could be put to better use than to present waveforms from other software. I believe as long as the laptop is there that will be the first place anyone will be staring at. Would you rather browse tracks from the player’s screen of from all that the laptop screen can provide?

I think yeah get the platter, in my case for the M, working with other software but, the other things that I can imagine being used for the screen to take advantage of software well makes viewing waveforms and limited browsing relative to a laptop screen useless and a waste of screen realestate.

Afaik Denon has the only software controller with a multi tough/gesture touch screen. Please take advantage.

You’ve said what you don’t want on the touchscreen but not what you do want on it.

Don’t leave with half