Hey all, I need to know if anyone here is able to help me at all, I had ENGINE OS on my pc open up and there was no music in any of my playlists for some reason, I restored my backup and it did nothing. I am missing all of my tracks in the software and all of the metadata/cue points and work I put in.
If anyone could help me it would be massively appreciated! Id rather not put in 500 hours of work re organizing and cuing everything
Zip your ‘engine library’ folder so its backed up, then delete the m.db file from the database2 folder of the ENGINE LIBRARY (really important not to delete the backup)
then copy the m.db file from the BACKUP database2 folder and paste it into the Engine Library… re-open Engine and see what happens.
Edit: if that doesnt work, it might be worth swapping the whole database2 folder from BACKUP to Library. but try just the m.db first.
From your screen shot above it looks like you’re in the main library folder. (Engine Library)
You need to zip that one to back it up, then delete ‘m.db’
Next step is to back up into the 2TBHDD and find ‘Engine Library Backup’ (this should be right next to Engine Library in the list) and then go into the database2 folder and copy ‘m.db’ from there, so you can paste it into the standard library.
To put simply you will be replacing the primary database file with the backup version, hopefully restoring your tracks.
The only other thing I think might be wrong, is the location of your whole ‘Engine Library’ folder… mine is inside my ‘music’ master folder. Give me some time to find out where it’s meant to be on a Windows machine.
Restoring the database will only work, if it, is the source of the corruption. If manual changes have been made to the exported drive or if music files have become corrupted then the database will keep failing because the music data is no longer where it expects it to be or in the form it expects it to be in. Additionally, database corruption can also be caused by funky data in audio files, like erroneous meta information when the files are obtained from poor sources - like torrents ect.
Been busy with work, however I tried everything here and I’m pretty sure its fucked. No madder what moving around of files, or re installing, backups or anything, its all gone. FYI It corrupted 3 USB keys as well so I think its the software (Before I re-installed). Those 3 keys now freeze any computer they touch unfortunately.
Hmmm, not my area of strength this library business… luckily mine is quite basic in its organisation so never get much trouble.
The only advice I’ll offer (as someone who turns up to gigs with tracks I’ve never played before) is not to stress to much about cue and loops and just set them as you go… you’ll have your core library back up to speed in no time.